Massage and Movement Practices are an integral part of healthcare. They are considered complimentary to traditional medical care, however are integral to prevention care and lowering risk of illness and chronic disease. According to the American Massage Therapy Association benefits of include but are not limited to:
Along with a consistent massage and movement practice, a breathwork practice will also provide the same benefits. These modalities can be an integral part of your self care routine and can lead to dramatic improvements in your well being.
Read more about the benefits of massage from The American Therapy Association.
To be an efficient mover, the body needs efficiency training. A movement training practice, along with massage therapies both teach the body's muscle-skeletal and fascial systems to operate with as little energy lost as possible. The more the body can support you without strain the more energy your system has to focus on a targeted activity & the less likely it will experience shock from stress loads. When the body is able to find homeostasis no matter what the activity, it will be less likely to cause you pain, tension or added stress keeping injury out of the game.
Just the thought of managing stress and/or pain can be overwhelming. But it can be simpler than it appears. Balancing the nervous system is key, and massage, movement & breath-work modalities can support this process. By giving the body the time and environment to heal we allow the immune system to effectively rid the body of disease causing elements thereby reducing acute or chronic inflammation. These practices furthermore release tension from emotional & physical stress cascading the body into relaxation. These processes lead to a less reactive and more responsive nervous system which reduces pain and wear and tear on the body's tissues. When our nervous system is less reactive and our immune systems function well, we are at lower risk of chronic illness and physical injury. We are able to respond appropriately to stimuli, breaking the cycle of stress and improving metabolic processes and circadian rhythms. The results are a more "well" and balanced you!
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